Voice of the Unheard: Big News

Social networks are fast becoming the best way way to get the word out. Does this mark the demise of print and television as our primary news source?

The way we get our daily news has changed greatly over the past few years. Let’s face it, print and television are no longer the only outlet, the Internet has emerged as a major medium for daily updates. With the  rising popularity of social networks such as; Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and even blogs like this, one may wonder the future of television and print as a choice medium.

Update me!

Today Michael Jackson died…I think. Anyhow, it was brought to my attention by Facebook, and for some reason I found this fascinating. Not the death, but the way I was notified of it. Status updates, much like the function of Twitter, proclaiming the news. Who needs CNN anymore when you got status updates?

Generally I find status updates annoying and useless, who cares if Jenny’s making dinner or Dustin failed his exam? The thing is, it’s unfiltered and not everything is news. So you have to get involved and dig for relevant information.

Recently I’ve been interested about the situation in Iran. I’m not reading newspapers or watching television, I’m searching out blogs and watching clips on Youtube. With the thousands taking to the streets, I want to know what’s going on, and I want it uncensored.

Question the Source

I should also mention that one should be weary of web content. Standards and sources are not always reliable, readers should question information and invesitgate topics for themeselves. It’s nice to cross reference with other mediums such as newspapers and TV.

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